About the Sioux Falls, SD Walk4CMT WC24

Walk Location: Cherry Rock Park, 1800 E 18th Street, Sioux Falls, SD
Walk Date: September 28, 2024
Walk Time: 9:00 a.m.
Walk Distance: 0.5 of a mile or what ever participants are comfortable with.

Register now to show your SD pride as we take one step closer to a cure for Charcot Marie Tooth Disease.

Walk 4 CMT participants will have the opportunity to receive a Walk 4 CMT T-shirt by raising $100 or more!

Come together to create awareness, renew hope and generate a community of support, while raising funds for the CMTA. You do not need to physically walk to participate. You can make a difference by participating and raising funds, or by donating generously to any of our participants. Together, with your support, we can reach our fundraising goal.